danalto’s Solutions

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FiLo 2.0

danalto’s FiLoTM positioning service utilizes best-of-breed location technologies to provide precise tracking capability within indoor environments. Leveraging a USB module, FiLoTM is embedded with multiple radio technologies – namely UWB, Wi-Fi, and GNSS – and can be deployed quickly and easily by plugging directly into existing Wi-Fi Access Points and USB ports.

This process utilizes native infrastructure to create a managed mesh network, meaning less time and capital is required for system installation.

Indoor Positioning - Retail
FiLo Mesh Network

FiLo 2.0 is able to adapt to real-world changes, such as changing floor displays in retail shops, and can help eliminate the need for manual (re)surveying efforts.

Because of its versatile nature, FiLoTM can enable tracking use cases across a wide range of environments, using a combination of multiple radio technologies and tracking devices to suit complex projects and user needs.

FiLo 2.0 Positioning: Focused on enabling indoor tracking and navigation, across multi-radio domains, FiLo 2.0:

  • Simplifies initial and ongoing infrastructure deployment across a site
  • Allows linear build-out coverage increase – room by room, floor by floor – as you scale
  • Streamlines operations and management aligned to IT services stack control and management practices
  • Delivers deep back-end tools with service analytics that drive rich user experience of positioning

Group 323

FiLo 1.0

Fine-Range, Long-Range Positioning Intelligence

Asset Tracking

danalto’s distributed IoT platform, CardinalTM, has the ability to passively track a device’s location across wide open spaces between anchor points. Radio signals are analyzed to determine location. danalto provides highly accurate location over large distances with little infrastructure and at a lower cost than traditional technologies like GPS, BLE, UWB, or WiFi.

Two-way ranging and advanced ranging are two techniques used to uncover the device’s location. danalto offers these positioning intelligence services as part of our solution set, and have seen use cases in palette tracking for better operations, warehouse vehicle tracking for optimized use, and high-value asset and equipment tracking in large storage yards or parking lots to reduce time-to-find.

danalto’s fine-range, long-range positioning intelligence service, otherwise known as FiLoTM, utilizes LoRa® @ 2.4 GHz as the core technology and can achieve accuracies of 5-10m over 5+ km area with tags that operate at ultra low power and last for 5+ years.

LoRa® 2.4GHz Technology Characteristics

Unlike traditional tracking technologies, danalto offers positioning intelligence services for both large, open environments and industrial settings.

GPS is widely deployed, however, it is unable to provide location data for assets under covered areas or indoors. GPS is also known to require frequent battery replacements and separate, backhaul data networks, both of which drive up operational costs.

Other solutions such as Bluetooth and WiFi are commonly used within buildings and in more refined locations. This is due to their limited range and poor accuracy out of doors, as well as their need for a dense network infrastructure.

danalto’s tracking solution utilizes a new technology which brings the best features of these solutions together. With LoRa® 2.4 GHz, FiLoTM is able to achieve high-accuracy positioning intelligence services across wide open spaces, with lower power and infrastructure requirements.

LoRa 2.4 GHz Characteristics Graph

Illustrated in the chart above, the danalto tracking solution is currently the only solution offering high-position accuracy (5m) with relatively low network infrastructure/anchor density requirements, while fitting both open and industrial settings.

danalto Tag

danalto tags

  • Leveraging 2.4 GHz with location services and connectivity
  • Low Power use – multi – yr battery life. Battery CR2450 with super cap
  • Passive detection – two-way ranging and advanced ranging

  • Timed / response basis
  • ~5m Accuracy
  • Location can be reported on demand or in response to an event
  • Haptic / RGB feedback and backend alerts supported – user defined thresholds

danalto Platform

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